I have finally recuperated after my trip to Vancouver after sleeping the majority of yesterday. We decided to spend the night after the concert at the ferry terminal so we would be guaranteed the first ferry back home. Yes you heard me correctly, we slept in the car. At the ferry terminal. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Then we slept through the whole ride on the ferry. We spent some time shopping in Nanimo before we made our way home and slept some more. If this trip has taught me anything, it’s that I’m certainly not as young as I used to be.
I didn’t bring my camera for the trip, it’s just too much to carry when I have a handy dandy iPhone already in my pocket. Here are a couple from our trip.
At the concert, it wasn’t a completely filled stadium, so the section for the tickets my friend got way at the very back (for twenty dollars mind you) was closed and they moved us down a level just above the floor. SCORE. Except, I haven’t been to many concerts in my day – an introvert thing – and I forgot how loud they are. My ears are still ringing. But on a plus side, while in Nanimo, I bought Go Set A Watchmen…a book I have been waiting for forever to come out and it’s finally here! To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time favourite book, so when I heard they found the lost transcript to Harper Lee’s first unpublished work I was giddy with excitement. She wrote this book before To Kill a Mockingbird and it was just never published. It tells the story of Scout some twenty years later returning back home from New York City. I can’t wait to get my greedy little eyes all over this book!
Happy Sunday!