These past three weeks have been a whirlwind. As you all know, I have been second shooting with the greatest mentor turned friend, Adina, this summer and these last few weeks have been cray. Since being a wedding photographer is my end goal through this journey, I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon this opportunity. Not only do I get a chance to experience the ebb and flow of a wedding day, practice and learn new techniques and to think on my feet, I get to experience a taste of what wedding season feels like, so that when they are my own weddings, I can better prepare myself – because Lord only knows how much more work is involved when they are your own clients.
Looking back even a year from now, I still cannot believe how far I have come. All my life, I have never been one to take risks, but something happened to me a year ago. I can’t pin point what it was exactly, but it changed my life and made me a better person. I’ve had the chance to meet incredible new people and have encountered even more incredible opportunities and experiences. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to reassure myself that I am not dreaming. And as the greatest band in history once said, Never give up on the good times, living it up is a state of mind. Okay, okay…maybe the Spice Girls weren’t the greatest band of all time, but you get my point.
Happy Wednesday!