I have a confession to make. I started drinking coffee again. I know what you all are thinking, Julie, why? After all that hard work?? I’m weak I tell you, weak! I totally get it, but I swear, it happened on accident!
It all started in the beginning of summer. McDonald’s started their dollar drink days and I found myself innocently buying a iced coffee. Flash forward about a month and a half, I realized that iced coffee is still in fact coffee. I know, right?! Somewhere in my naive mind I seemed to have missed that fact that just because there is ice in it doesn’t mean it isn’t coffee. Talk about embarrassing. So what do you think I did after this new found discovery? I kept on drinking them. I couldn’t help myself…they’re just so dang good!
So here we are, six moths after I decided to quit coffee for good, and I am back where I started. It could be worse though. Doctor Who could be cancelled and where would we be then?