I get asked this question from almost every client I book and I love it each and every time. It shows that they care and are willing to take the time and invest in their session and for their photos. I have been working on a FAQ page for my new website that’s in the works (!!!) and a style guide on my Pinterest page, but I thought I’d take a few moments and whip up a quick little post now. Why? Oh darlings, because I love you!
What to wear?
First and foremost, don’t worry TOO much about your wardrobe – however, I do encourage you to find outfits that compliment one another, but aren’t too matchy-matchy. An easy rule of thumb is to stick with neutrals, and if you’re feeling extra spicy, add in a pop of colour! Colour, texture and details help to make your photos more interesting and help them to stand out from the rest…a special watch, bright lipstick, stripes, polka dots, knits or even a fun hat – whatever makes you, you. Please feel free to bring a change of clothes to diversify your shoot, one casual and one dressy? Another thing to keep in mind when choosing an outfit: location. More than anything, I want you to choose an outfit that makes you feel really good. If you look good, you feel good, you shoot good 😉
And because I love me some visuals…
Photo love: Jose Villa, Troy Grover, Ben Sasso, Jasmine Star
Happy Friday!