I feel like my excitement can become a broken record to some. Every time Omar and I celebrate something new, I document it and share it with you all. My blog has in a way become my public journal and these are the moments I want to never forget. I waited so long to spend my days with this handsome cutie that I want to celebrate and share every happy/cheesy memory!
This year marked Omar and I’s first Christmas living together. Among Christmas being my favourite holiday and Omar being my favourite person, you can imagine how full my heart has been this past month. We set small budgets since moving isn’t the cheapest thing in the world and Omar decided to break that vow when he went ahead and bought me a new laptop! With my old one running on it’s last legs, it was a very much needed and might I add, thoughtful surprise to wake up to on Christmas morning.
We started the season off by picking out our very first Christmas tree from the Oh Christmas Tree Farm in Langley. It took us a while to compromise for the perfect tree, but I would say the search is just as fun. This was also our first time cutting down a tree and belive you me, it is *not* as easy as it looks. It took us a few tries but we managed to get it down before the place closed 😉
Omar thought he was hilarious when he hid behind the tree here so I just had to throw it in here for him!
New Year’s Eve last year Omar and I bought this ordament when we went to the Vandusen Light Gardens. That night we decided to buy a new one every year to celebrate us and the holiday season 🙂
I decided to surprise Omar for finishing yet another successful semester in his Master’s program by bringing him to Glow Christmas in Langley.
When you ask a stranger to take your photo…